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Three coupe glasses of champagne zoomed in being held by feminine hands

Break a Leg Studios is passionate about supporting the arts and artists in their community as well as establishing new audiences and curating vivid and refreshing educational experiences for all


Impresario: Classical Cowgirls

Ever been curious about the captivating world of opera? Step into Break a Leg Studio’s Impresario club! Join us for laid-back monthly gatherings where we explore the wonders of opera, surrounded by friendly faces and enriched by curated materials that make our discussions both engaging and enjoyable. Imagine a book club vibe, but with an enticing playlist that adds a dash of excitement to our exploration.

Our first get-together is happening this April, shining the spotlight on Puccini’s “Golden Girl of the West.” Dive into spirited conversations with fellow enthusiasts, guided by the wisdom of our guest stars. It’s an open invitation to deepen your love and understanding of opera in a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere.

For more information, shoot Lindsey an email at

MooreOpera Radio

Introducing MooreOpera Radio presented by Break a Leg Studios, premiering on Pilot Radio.

Break a Leg Studios, a Moore County Performing Arts Enrichment Organization, is thrilled to announce the debut of an exciting new radio segment, MooreOpera Radio. Set to enchant listeners with the timeless allure of opera, this innovative program promises to bring the rich world of operatic masterpieces to the forefront of the airwaves.

Scheduled to premiere on Pilot Radio on Sunday, February 25th from 7 – 9 PM MooreOpera Radio will be a captivating addition to the station’s lineup, providing a unique platform for opera enthusiasts and newcomers alike to experience the grandeur of this illustrious art form. The segment aims to foster a deeper appreciation for opera by featuring carefully curated selections that showcase the diversity and beauty of the genre.

Don’t miss the grand opening night of MooreOpera Radio on Sunday, February 25th from 7 – 9 PM at Pilot Radio. Tune in to or download the Pilot Radio App to embark on a melodious journey through the world of opera.

Large letter B for Break a Leg Studios, in soft ivory white.

Break a Leg Studios 

nurtures and inspires musical creativity and empowers artistic appreciators

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